1. Fake scan
Click "Money / funds are not received," then chat to sender "I cant confirm coz no money come to my wallet" do immediately when the sign turn to yellow. then browse / upload BTC saldo / your balance there (for ease - change to english language)
2. Recepient not confirm
Chat box /Message to sender "dear CRO need your help to confirm." then upload / browse your BTC balance / balance there.
* Quote
If the sign turns to yellow. it will immediately and automatically reported to CRO table. so no need to send to support anymore.
3. Fakers
Who still get fakers who sign up through his ref link, report it immediately to your guider as soon as possible (ASAP)
4. GH not match
send to support to check your account status. GH normal is 1 - 3 days, if more ... it could be moratory or bug system. for moratory status, u just need to cancel your GH and continue doing your MMM extra. No one knows when it will be openned but CRO. just try to GH after 2 weeks, if success, means u are free. for bug, easy ... just wait coz not only u experience that.
5. Technical Problem - tell your guider
GA problems or
Technical problems.
Problems like these write to support =
Not match orders
Change manager (Only if your manager "Wellcome to MMM global")
TIPS MMM Global Hari ini
1. Fake scan
Klik "Uang/dana tidak diterima", lalu chat dg sender "I cant confirm coz no money come to my wallet" lakukan segera ketika warna mjd kuning. lalu browse/upload BTC Saldo/Balance anda di situ (utk memudahkan - ganti ke bahasa ingris dulu)
2. Recepient not confirm
chat di kolom chat box (bukan support) "Dear CRO need your help to confirm." lalu upload/browse BTC Saldo/Balance anda di situ.
*Apapun klo sdh berubah menjadi kuning akan langsung automatis terlapor ke meja CRO. jd gak perlu send to support.
3. Fakers
yg masih mendapatkan fakers yg mendaftar lewat ref linknya, laporkan secepatnya pd guider masing2 as soon as possible (ASAP)
4. GH not match
Send to support tanyakan status akunnya. GH normal itu 1 - 3 hari. Lebih dari itu bisa jadi moratori atau sistem sedang mengalami bug. utk moratori, cancel GH nya, kerjakan terus MMM Extra. Tidak ada yang tau kapan CRO akan membuka moratori, sepenuhnya kebijakan CRO. 2 minggu kemudian coba GH lagi. Jika berhasil berarti anda telah bebas. Jika bug, tunggu saja, artinya ini dialami semua orang, bukan anda saja.
5. Technical Problem - lapor ke GUIDER anda masing-masing
Masalah GA
Hal - hal tehnis.
Akun palsu
Namun --
Perihal di bawah ini, send to support =
Unblock or
GH belum dapat pasangan
Ubah manager (hanya bisa dilakukan jika manager sebelumnya adalah "wellcome to MMM Global")
#MMMPays, #MMMGlobal, #MMMIndonesia, #Bitcoin, #Workfromhome, #Ideology, #Jobs,
Go light the world with the POG (Power of Giving). Once u gave, abundance u will get. its only in MMM Global u will get 100%/month. Its real and perfectly works. Join us here and be a part of hapy global family in this universe. LLMMM, Together we change the world.